What Platform Height requires a licenced scaffolder?
A general rule of thumb is if a Platform Height is more than 4m above ground level, then a scaffolding licence will be required.
The good news is this scaffolding Platform Height can be set under this 4m limit.
E.g. The 6m Reachability's Platform height can be set to: 0.34m to ~2.2m, 3.5 to ~3.95m. All under the 4m limit.
It is important to note that the licensing requirements for scaffolding work may vary depending on the type of scaffolding, Work Health And Safety, and/or depending on the complexity of the work.
It is always best to check specifics and/or latest info by googling "Scaffolding WorkCover (NSW / QLD / VIC / SA / WA)."
Yakka Gear does not provide legal advice.
Shop all newly restocked mobile scaffolding, aluminium planks, plank clamps, adjustable A-frame trestles here: www.yakkagear.com.au — available for pickup or express delivery.
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